Sunday, September 3, 2023

Learning From Mistakes


I've sewn all the blocks together for the pink and white quilt. It will have a pink border, but I haven't yet decided which pink. 

The quilt reminds me of my granddaughter's pink and white striped dress.

The quilt did not turn out the way I expected it to, but it gave me some ideas. Learning from a mistake is a good thing. The previous ribbons quilts (Yellow Ribbons and Greensleeves) were successful because of the value changes between the "waving ribbon" and the big triangles. I like to play with your head, and make the colors flip flop back and forth, but that can be tricky for the average quiltmaker. Making the quilt essentially a two color quilt makes it more accessible. 

Then again, you know me. I can never leave well enough alone. All you have to do is look at the photo above and you can see where this is going.

OOOoooh!  Yeah! (As Julie would say, "Go Lynne, go!")

So, go Lynne did.

1 comment:

Just Ducky said...

You go where few quilt makers would go. I would call it Prizm or Prism, depending on how you want to spell it.