Sunday, July 7, 2024

Thinking Pink


July is my birth month, and I have decided that pink is my favorite color, so in July I put my pink quilt, Tickled Pink, on my dining room table. Long time readers know I switch out the quilts on my table every month.

In keeping with the pink July theme, I have put the Pink Panther quilt on the back of the couch, and put the pink pillows out.

I'll be retiring at the end of the summer, so this past weekend, I have been "practicing." Practicing what? 

Doing nothing; with no plan for the day.

Now I was lucky, the house was clean, the bills have been paid, the car is gassed up, and the laundry was done. So I slept late, woke up and decided to work on a crossword puzzle. Then I washed the last window that needed washing and cleaned the mini blind for that window.

I have two tasks to do before I do retire. One is to get a printer that will work wirelessly with my Mac and the other is to replace my cell phone. I'd done my research for the printer, and that is now on order. I'll be returning the work at home setup to the office in the next couple of weeks.

My company has been paying for my cell phone for over 20 years. I can have the number, so that won't change, and because my device is so old, I can keep that too, but I do need to get a new plan. Fortunately I have access to the invoices so I know exactly how much data I use. So one of my goals for the next week or so is to shop for a plan. I have a couple of options, so getting that done will happen in the next few weeks as well.
I offered to cook a meal for my Mom and told her I'd go to her house to cook it, or she could come to my place. I was not at all surprised when she decided to come over. I took this picture after we had a dinner of Korean Short Rib Tacos and homemade frozen yogurt ice cream sandwiches.

A good time was had by all.


Ma Betty said...

Ha, ha, ha! From one retired lady to one about to retire and 'do nothing' - you are likely to be busier than you ever thought you could be. Good luck!

Marianne said...

I love being retired - no schedule! - and I hope you will, too!

Cherie Moore said...

I worked my last day on Friday! I’m so excited to be retired! Congratulations on your up coming retirement.

Elle said...

I retired nearly 5y ago at age 58. Life's motto "Do what I want, When I want, IF I want". Turns out it was a perfect motto.

Congrats on your pending retirement. I'm excited for you :-)

MissPat said...

I somehow can't imagine you sitting around doing nothing. But I know you will keep busy and have fun doing it.

Nancy said...

We recently changed our mobile plan from a big name to Mint Mobile. We got a deal at Christmas time for $15 dollars a month now we pay $20 a month for 5 gig of data. So for 2 phone we now pay $40 each month instead of $120 with the big guy. We have not notice any difference in coverage.

I retired a few years ago and when I was getting ready to retire the question was always what are you going to do. I have had absolutely no problem filling my days. Sometimes I wonder how I had time to work. What I missed was the people I worked with but I have been able to find new people to hang out with and still meet a few of my old coworkers for lunch occasionally. I did not miss the commute and love having no where to go on snow days.

Quiltdivajulie said...

PINK looks grand in your house -- good for you for enjoying your quilts the way you do. And I'll add my hopeful thoughts for you loving retirement - I know I do!

Pandy said...

Do not be surprised at how busy you get in retirement. It does take a while to adjust.
I would like to know which printer you are getting as I need one too and am an Apple person. Only Macs, iPhones and iPads in my house.

Nann said...

I've been retired for 10 years and there is still not enough time to do everything I'd like to do! I upgraded my phone last month, from an iPhone 7 to a 13. Amazing to watch the Best Buy clerk transfer from one to the other with a couple of clicks.