Saturday, June 1, 2024

Yakkety Yak, Finished!

The Yakkety Yak quilt is all finished. Here it is, hanging over the top edge of my cubicle at work, but more on that in a bit.

I've been binge watching all the past seasons of Top Chef. I watched them all while they were happening, and it's amazing what I forgot. I'm up to Season 11 now. And yes, I am watching the new episodes of Season 21 as they are shown. So while I have been sewing the binding of the last few quilts, it's been Top Chef all the time.

And Cherie, I am sorry! Your brain wasn't sleep addled. In yesterday's post, I did indeed refer to the binding mistakenly as "backing." It's fixed now, but you were not wrong. That's what I get when I try to post too close to my bedtime.

I brought the quilt to work to show my colleagues and the CEO suggested I display it for everyone to see. 

Not going to refuse that. I wrote a note and taped it up so folks could read, since I was on the other side of that wall and couldn't tell if anybody was there.

It's a good sized quilt, and it will surely live on my bed, at least for a bit.

You too can make birds! Get my tutorial here. It's an instant download so you can get started right away!



Nancy J said...

On display, that's the best for this gorgeous quilt. Everyone can yak as they admire it SO much.

kearnsquilter said...

The quilt is stunning. I can't help but smile when I look at it.
Thanks for sharing your talent.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I love all of your bird quilts but this pink one is pretty special!

Ruth said...

Just think of sleeping under that quilt with all those birds yakking it up all night!! FUN!!