Wanda, the big sliding glass windows are a cinch to clean if you do it the way the professionals do - with a squeegee! But seriously, I try to wash all the windows in the house every other year and this was the year. I've already got another side of the house done, and I am working my way around.
Polly, the CD's are in a big bin on a chair in my living room. I'll figure out what to do with them when I have the energy. I'm pretty sure most of them are already in my iTunes library, but I do want to check to be sure.
Cherie, there are, in fact, TWO Traveling Millies. Tracey made the first one (with roses, reclining in this photo) and mailed it to my house before Violette's christening. Alas, it arrived after I left, and while I was there, Tracey and I made the second one. One is stuffed a little firmer, so she sits up and is better when posed for photos, but each one has traveled across the country a few times.
In the 12 years I've had them, few people have noticed there are two of them. Of course YOU have met Miss Paisley Millie! (Miss Rose Millie traveled to California for my son's wedding.) Tracey also made the Monty sock kitty. Lucky guy!
An aside... When I spoke to Quintessential Quilts in 2013, a couple in the audience asked if they could have a picture with Miss Millie. And they didn't mean ME! The world is indeed a funny place.
The other night I managed to shove all the folded fabric somewhere on the bookshelf, but when I went in there the next morning, it made me a little angry.
A few more minutes at lunchtime helped get the blues all in one spot.
After work I got the other colors in their spots. Now, this is by no means organized. I will stack the fabrics better so I can move them around without knocking stuff over. Of course, the last time I did this I got started on the Zebra bender, and it's been a little over two years... You probably noticed the floor is a lot cleaner.
I'll get to that tomorrow.
Well Lynne - the trouble now is that you may be able to get on a plane to fly to Australia to clean my house, but once you get here, you'll have to sit in a hotel room for 14 days being quarantined! That is not a lot of fun.
Sydney, Australia
"no means organized"? Looks like heaven to me. Plane ticket to Renton WA is cheaper then to Australia, and I don't think we have a 14 day quarantine. LOL
Sorting fabric always soothes me. I loved seeing your Millies.
Progress!! And I've met both Millies - they're awesome.
Your room is looking good. Really Good. And a great example of how sometimes the "one touch rule" of organizing just doesn't work. Can you imagine trying to pick up a fabric, folding it, putting it in a neat stack with like colors all in one swoop, and then repeat it for each piece of fabric? I can't.
And thank you for showing your room in "before" condition. I wish more people would do so - those photos show so much more about how well a room really works (or sometimes doesn't) for people.
Lynn, check out the website declutter.com. When we downsized and moved several years ago we sold our old CDs and DVDs and got about $700.00 for them. Amazingly the old Fisher Price and Elvis CDs were worth the most. They even reimbursed us for the shipping costs! Think of the fabric you can buy with the proceeds! Good luck.
Ah, Darling Millie! Think i'll have to make some!
it would be lovely if Darling Millie were available to come in my email.
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