Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Oh, Comments

In the comments of yesterday's post, Linda wanted to know what I did with all the little triangles. I assumes she means these, that I have marked with X's.

They ended up HERE. In the wastebasket. I am not the kind of person who obsesses about using every last square inch of fabric to make scrappy quilts. I'm not going to live forever and I'm not going to waste my time making quilts I don't care about. Besides, I don't have room to store this stuff.

Suzanne, NOPE! I am NOT going to sew a "faux flange" of beige on the edge of my binding for this quilt. There is such a thing as using too many tricks, and this quilt has got enough going on without adding something just for the sake of adding something. If it isn't bringing something special to the party, then why bring it?

Rebecca, You want these triangles SMALLER? With as much busy-ness as there is going on here, we really don't need more. More CAN be better, if you are good at juggling, but sometimes MORE is TOO MUCH.

And yet I am fully aware that this quilt, with it's high energy bright colors and high contrast, and big busy blocks, really pushes up against TOO MUCH, so my job is to make sure I don't go overboard.

Last year, when I was first working on the Zebras quilts, I wondered the same kinda thing, and tried making a big block 16" square instead of 18" as they are here. You can read my thoughts at that time.  I think the scale of these blocks - 18" really makes an impact and if you make them smaller, they lose that impact that I like.

Now if you know me, you know I love contrast, and IMPACT. So if you want to make these smaller, knock yourself out. I like them BIG. But also remember what I tell whenever I get to talk to quiltmakers. "I want you to make YOUR quilts, not just copy mine." So if you want to make one like this, and you want to make it smaller, go right ahead, you won't hurt my feelings.

I sewed all the other strips together, and set some of them on the design wall to see how they'd look. I'll have to play with them some more to see.


Rebecca said...

Good Morning... I did not mean make the triangles smaller... I meant making the stripes smaller. How dose that change the visual? I am thinking the more I think about it it would be way to busy.... Sorry for the confusion.

Ruth said...

Ill bet you have quilters who pay you to ship them your wastebasket fabric...such fun combinations of colors to share!

Ann said...

I've been so busy I haven't read blogs this week. Both of these are lovely. The second is so cheery and bright. Clever to add the diagonal stripe border. I assume it's from leftovers. It looks good with that narrow inner border.
It will be a treat to see how other people interpret your triangles. Narrower, wider, smaller, larger, and all the colors they see in it. You've worked through so many iterations with all your Zebra quilt and they are a great inspiration.

Quiltdivajulie said...

As a scrap quilter, I do save smaller pieces than you do but NOT if I am (a) tired of the fabric, (b) the fabric didn't behave nicely (i.e. frayed a lot), or (c) has a lot of angles. Life is too short to save stuff that will stress me out later. I have plenty of squarish workable scraps to play with so some of my trimmings land in the trash can, just like yours. Love the Tutti Frutti zebras!!

QuiltGranma said...

Some people, not me, line their fabric trash can with a plastic bag, and when full the scraps fill a dog bed for the shelters. Use a fabric you no longer love as the cover and sew it closed. It can only be used for one dog, so will soon get tossed anyway. But it would give them comfort.