Saturday, November 2, 2019

Playing Matchmaker

You all know I start with half a plan and then by working figure out what works. Well, here is the start. A bunch of fabrics paired up with the layout.

This is the layout. It isn't to scale. My fabric rectangles are twice as long as they are wide, and these aren't. But I numbered all my triangles so I will know how to cut them and put them in the right places. (Sorry Allison.) I need 12 of each of the four varieties of triangles. This quilt LOOKS easy, but that's deceptive.

I haven't decided if I want my fussy big prints to make up these big outer lozenge shapes or if I want them to be in the three diamond shapes in the middle. A problem for tomorrow, after I sew up more pairs. I have plenty of fabric, so I am not worried. This arrangement of fabrics is by no means final.


Linda Swanekamp said...

Looking great. It would be confusing for me. Thanks for sharing.

Allison said...

You're forgiven.

Ann said...

I like the angle difference in this quilt. It's interesting to see how each quilt in a series varies. Have fun.