Here is the final layout (minus one row) of the Peonies Quilt. As you can see, Cherie, I have arranged a few blocks into diamonds, and there are now 4 light green flowers.The new refrigerator is terrific except for one thing. Maybe you can tell what it is. The front is NOT magnetic. EEEEEK!!! The sides are magnetic, but that's an awful lot of naked stainless steel. I'm going to have figure out what I want to see, and tape it to the front.
I went to see the movie THELMA, and I thought it was great. There is so much of it that is outlandish, but a lot of it is so true.
My friend Pam and I went out to eat before the movie and got out so early we went to the local Barnes & Noble. I bought a jigsaw puzzle. This was a rug pattern designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. It wasn't a big puzzle, and I got into it. It was appealing because it had some special pieces...
My Mom was admitted to the hospital last week. She was diagnosed with AFIB, and they decided to do a cardioversion, which is restarting her heart. Yes, you read that correctly. It is normally a pretty straightforward process, but do remember my Mom is a month short of 91. The procedure was successful, they kept her an extra day. She's home now, but she's really tired. So, keep her in your thoughts, please. The doctor gave her an excellent prognosis, but the older we get the longer it takes us all to bounce back.
To your Mum, every wish for a good recovery. I also had a rapid ambulance trip on Friday, very high blood pressure and possible angina again.They found I had a lung infection.So the miracles of modern medicine are a great life changing process for us, as we do get older the more those miracles can help are a huge bonus. Maybe miracle isn't quite the right word, but it seemed to fit.Love all those peonies, the greens are so lovely scattered there in your always very thoughtful arrangements.
p.s. the jigsaw could also be a quilt design !!!
Oh yes! I've been watching you rearranging the Peonies for a bit now, and they are coming together so well!!!
Best wishes for your Mum's recovery.
More well wishes for your Mom. And our new refrigerator has a non-magnetic front side although the clean stainless steel surface doesn't really bother us.
My mom is 91. She still has a sharp tongue, so I think that keeps her preserved. She never listens to the doctor. Will pray that your mom regains her strength and is up and around safely. I got a new frig in December when we redid the kitchen and thank goodness it is magnetic. It has the freezer on the bottom but not the split top door. Could not get a white one. It is taller, but laid out the same.
Will keep your mom in my thoughts, hope she is able to rest comfortably and regains her strength. We have an LG that looks the same except it doesn’t have the split top doors. The front is metal but I try to keep it cleared of stuff….otherwise it ends up looking cluttered. Funny, I should have yours which would prevent the clutter, lol. I like where you are went with Peonies… is more interesting now and keeps you eyes moving. It’s always inspiring when you take the same units and create a totally different quilts, each unique.
I thought of you in the recent heatwave. Best wishes to your mother.
I’m loving the peony quilt and again, admiring your process. I hope your mum gets better soon. One thing I am curious about is how much stuff you have in your fridge? I live alone too and my fridge is much smaller than yours. I have trouble filling it! And, I like the shiny clean look of a fridge unadorned with stuff. Horses for courses as they say!
Thinking good thoughts for your Mom.
Is there a quilt idea hiding behind that puzzle?
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