Friday, June 21, 2024

More Peonies

I was tinkering with the Peonies quilt and decided to make some light green "flowers." 

I started filling in the side triangles, and decided to make some more light green flowers. I did more tinkering, I rearranged some of the lighter green triangles and I filled in the rest of the empty spaces, but that's going to have to be enough for now.  

The famous heat dome is covering us right now. This was my indoor outdoor thermometer Wednesday afternoon. The 101 is bad enough, but Tuesday's high of 104 really freaked me out. 102 is the highest I had ever experienced before, and that was in August about sixty years ago.


Cherie Moore said...

Yikes! That is so hot for your area. I like the addition of the light green flowers…..hope they don’t wilt in the heat!

Sue said...

It is beautiful, as usual. I love seeing your quilts. The triangles pointing downward remind me of raindrops. Thank you for sharing your artistic creations,

Linda Swanekamp said...

I guess because I live near Lake Erie, our temps only were in the mid 90s which is still too hot for me. The colors in the quilt are wonderful.