Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Quilt in Action

We're supposed to have snow her in New Hampshire today and tomorrow, but it's sunny in California.

This is my DGD with the quilt I made for her as a baby.

I gift my California family with a membership to the South Botanic Garden each year. These pictures were taken there.

How cool is this?

Then again, this is pretty cool too.  Pink and Green, one of those perfect combinations. Quilt and Granddaughter, nice pair also.



Quiltdivajulie said...

Such wonderful photos -- I especially love the big letter B and the last photo --- she and Young Man are getting SO tall!

SandraB said...

lovely post. thank you.

stitchinpenny said...

Her appreciation of natural and created beauty is so wonderful!

Michele in Harrisburg said...

Gosh, she's a cutie pie! 🥰