Thursday, November 16, 2023

Did You Know?

 My son is gluten-intolerant. When I ordered some one-for-one flour before his visit earlier in the month, I saw this and ordered a box. 

(Now I should tell you I've been using King Arthur flours and products for years... like 40 years. They are located in Vermont, not far from me, so ordering from them is in the realm of "normal" for me.)

Anyway, I made a batch of chocolate chip cookies with walnuts and dried apricots and milk chocolate chips the day he and my DGD were flying in. I was nervous, and baking helped settle my nerves and keep me busy. 

I don't like cookies that are too big, so I made smaller ones. I ended up making three dozen. I put them in a big tin and they were ready when he arrived.

After all the hubbub, when they were getting ready to go to my Mom's apartment (where they were staying), I indicated the giant tin on my kitchen table, that I had labelled "Gluten Free Cookies." My son took one look, lifted the lid, and started to cry. Then he stuffed a cookie in his mouth, and gave me a giant hug. "Omigod Mom, thank you so much."

He told me later he ate at least six of them that evening. By the time he left five days later, the tin was empty.

(I had eaten ONE, to test them. They were delicious.)

In the meantime I found a recipe for cookies with Malted Milk Powder. Amazon had some, of course, but I'd have to wait three weeks for it. I am not known for my patience. King Arthur had it in stock and they are just the next state over, so I decided to order it there.

Then I noticed they had this Gluten Free Cookie Mix* on sale. If you bought five boxes you'd get like a buck off each box. Such a deal, but what was I going to do with five boxes and my son living across the country?

The answer was apparent. Send them to him as a Christmas gift, of course, so he could make and enjoy cookies with my DGD any time he wanted.

It's always nice to find the perfect gift.

*One box makes 2-3 dozen cookies depending on size. All you need to add is a stick of butter (or a non-dairy substitute), one egg and a couple of tablespoons of water. You can add up to 3 cups of add-ins. Oh, the possibilities...

My son figured out a long time ago that I show love by cooking. I'm lucky that he gets it.


Poppy Q said...

What a perfect gift for your boy.

Hubblebird said...

It's funny how food can make grown men weep. My boys (now in their 30s) love my braised steak and onions, which I cook just the way my Mum taught me, and they are almost reduced to tears when I make it for them!

Quiltdivajulie said...

KA has the BEST products! We are further away but we still order from them as needed (although we have finally found a local source for the bread flour which we use for ALL of our bread baking).

Sewgirl said...

I am always so happy when something I do warms the cockles of my son's hearts. Seeking out the GF cookies and flour is such an act of love. So great to hear how very much it's appreciated.

Linda Swanekamp said...

My husband is gluten intolerant (celiac) and I am always searching to make better baked goods for him. Lots of flops over the 20+ years he has been diagnosed. I find King Arthur always delivers. Their online recipes are always winners. They seem to take it seriously and test everything. I know how it feels to have something so wonderful that you can't believe it could be so good. We have one totally GF restaurant near us and when we go, my husband smiles all the time knowing he can order anything and it will be safe and excellent. The wife is a master baker and they sell out lickety split.