Monday, November 13, 2023



I've just finished sewing the binding on the blue and yellow quilt formerly known as Stairway to Heaven. The name just didn't sit well with my son. So he asked my DGD to take a look at the quilt and tell us what SHE thought the name should be. 

She came running in from the next room, where she was coloring with my niece, took one look at the quilt and said, "River of Light."

Everybody looked up. "That's great!" And so, the quilt has a new name.

This is a wonky rail fence inspired by Sujatah Shah's book, Cultural Fusion.

Sujatah wanted readers of her book to play around with her ideas, and I have certainly done that. Traditionally these pieces are arranged in a square four blocks in each of four rows. But I decided to follow the color - or river.

The photo above shows Janet-Lee's Santeusanio's terrific quilting.

I put together another of the lined drawstring bags. I really like this one and it might not ever leave my house.


Quiltdivajulie said...

Beautiful quilt - fabulous name (now you know you can Face Time DGD and solicit her thoughts on quilt names). And that bag is fabulous. I sense a new wall display of your favorite drawstring bags . . .

Terri said...

Love the quilt - great pattern and color!

Linda Swanekamp said...

Great name, apt description!

Dorothy L. Wills said...

She picked the perfect name! I was secretly not loving the last name for some reason but her's is absolutely perfect!