Tuesday, October 31, 2023

More Bags

 I've been continuing to clean up and declutter my house for the impending visit of my son & his family. There's nothing like the idea of guests arriving to make you really want to put your best foot forward. It's a great excuse to FINALLY do the stuff you have been meaning to do.

So I worked out in the yard. We'll have a frost this week, so it was finally time to trim the garden and move the gardening stuff into the shed and bring (gasp!) the snow shovel out and put the snow brush in the car. 

After doing work work I felt virtuous and could spend a few hours in the studio. I finished a couple more bags.

Sometimes you throw things around and they land next to something good. Shells and glasses? In this case, most definitely YES!
I used this flowery alphabet as the lining.

Pink ties completed this one. I really like it.

The typewriters were the backing for a word quilt I made years ago. NATURALLY a bag with these needed other fabrics with letters. Not to worry, that's what a good stash is for!

Yeah! That works!

Lastly, I cleaned the office. I shredded a lot of stuff, and then sorted and filed what I needed to keep.

Gosh that feels good.

I have a bunch more bags cut out, but those will have to wait until after the kids go back home. I have about five more feet of hand sewing to do on the Black Abacus quilt before that is all finished. Next will be the Stairway to Heaven to be bound.

I have also started working on the story of my DGD's Dinosaur Diamonds Quilt. If I am very lucky, I will get it finished and printed so I can read it to her when she is here in a few days. I've decided to make and print these for all my quilts. I know what their stories are, but if I don't write them down, nobody else will ever know. Everyone to whom I have given a printed copy of their quilt's story has immediately started reading, so I know it is a good idea.

Happy Halloween!


Quiltdivajulie said...

Happy Halloween to you as well. And hooray for more bags, completed shredding, and a very nearly ready house! Perhaps you can read DGD's dinosaur book to her even if it isn't finished so you can include some of her thoughts in the final draft.

The Selvage Fairy said...

As I recall, the story of an item, especially in the creator's own voice, is called "Provenance". And every great piece of art needs it.