Tuesday, April 25, 2023

This and That


I'm sewing the green quilt together. Haven't yet found a name that sings for me. This quilt is made of 48 big triangles, so it sews together pretty quick. I do them one pair at a time while I "watch" TV.

I've cut the cord with Comcast. Now I only have internet access and I am happy. I didn't really watch a lot of conventional TV anyway. I have Amazon Prime, Netflix and Discovery. That gives me everything I really want. I may add something later, but for right now I'm pretty happy. I cut my bill down to a hundred bucks, and I bought my own modem and WIFI router, so that saves me an additional $180 per year. I'm a geek, so installing those was not particularly difficult.

The bottom half of the quilt is all sewn together, I am working on the second row from the top. 

I bought the kids a beach tent for Christmas. They love it. My DIL is fair skinned and burns easily, so she is thrilled. It packs up the size of a hula hoop and has a carrying case with a strap. It was a lucky find. You can also see one of my grandmother's quilts. She didn't quilt them, she tied them with crochet cotton. They made excellent beach quilts because they were cool to lie on and easy to clean.


Poppy Q said...

Love all the green. Spring Fields - it looks like all the paddocks you see from a plane.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Ah, beach weather!

Michele in Harrisburg said...

Your granddaughter really sprouted up. Look at those long legs! She'll be taller than you soon. Great pic.

Unknown said...

Thanks for your blog. I love that you share your design process, when it goes the way you want and when it doesn't. I've learned a lot. I am inspired by this green zebra quilt you are making. I bought the pattern some time back but have been a little afraid to begin. But green is my favorite color, so am taking the plunge. I'm calling mine Grasshopper because of the angle of the ribbons. It reminds me of grasshoppers in the grass. Help yourself to the name if it speaks to you. It could also be a nod to Kung Fu TV series, Grasshopper as in one learning. Glad your Sew-Jo is flowing again.