Saturday, April 22, 2023

By Jove!


There's really nothing more annoying than thinking you have it, only to realize there is a fly in the ointment.

Some of you probably think this is pretty good. I know Jean from NZ said she'd be happy with this, but alas, I see something that bugs me (several things, actually) and I had to ORDER MORE FABRIC, DAMMIT.

And then I had to WAIT!!!

Oh, the indignity!

Anyway, the light fabrics for the darkish triangles arrived (I already had replacements from my stash for the dark fabrics), and after a trip through the washer and dryer, and after being ironed, I cut strips and made my blocks. OF COURSE this isn't IT.

I needed ten more iterations.

THIS is it.

This I will sew together.  It needs a title, or a suggestion for one. It will need a narrow border, and then it will be ready. I will also work on the pink one. (Darn it, I needed to order more fabric for that one too.)

AND... I found a slightly more efficient way to cut fabric for this particular variation of the Zebras quilts. this one needs 24 different fabrics that play nicely together in interesting and subtle ways, but sewing a WOF panel of 8 strips (for each pair) is a bit wasteful, and I figured out a better way to do it. So at some point a revision to the Zebra quilt tutorial will happen.

AND EVEN BETTER... I am going to make a Zebra variation that I have NOT done before. Right now that will be a Red, White and Blue quilt. That may change as I have not yet even started to cut fabrics, but I think it will be fun and summery!

WOO HOO! I have my mojo back, finally!


Cherie Moore said...

Well, I think you’ve got a suggestion of a name, Mojo Returns?!?!

Quiltdivajulie said...

I thought you already named it ByJove!

Nancy J said...

" The Crossing"?? " Mumble Jumble"? You did have some lengthy discussions and jumbled the strips to your satisfaction. ( This was what I named Weetbix slice when it wasn't attractive enough at a local fundraising fete, the second day it all sold so fast, all in the name apparently !!) I still think all your choices are wonderful, but only you know when you are really happy.

stitchinpenny said...

Your MOJO was always there but your life wouldn't set your mind free. You have had a lot going on but now there is a new freedom. Enjoy.