Sunday, July 3, 2022

This and That

Dearest Reader,

Did you miss me?

... Sorry, I couldn't resist the reference to Lady Whistledown in Brigerton.

The yard sale was as successful as I thought it would be. It was a very hot day, the temperature reached 90 by mid afternoon. By that time the sale was over for the day. I was so hot I packed up what was left, went inside and turned on the A/C. The next day was very hot as well, and after sitting out there for two hours with no traffic, I packed it in. I'd made over $150 so the weekend was a success.

Once inside, I turned on the A/C, lay on the couch and read a book. I was zonked. I'd been very busy with the bathroom renovation, Julie's visit and the yard sale, so for the last week I just tried to catch up on my rest. I spent a lot of time reading.

I didn't do any sewing, but I did buy this fabric for the back of my black scrap slab triangle quilt.

The shower doors finally arrived. This is actually the SECOND set. It's a long story, not worth the time or space it would take to tell it. It involved a lot of frustration, however, and patience.

My granddaughter and I will be baking cookies later. I've set out all the ingredients so I'll be ready whenever she is.

It's been a rough and busy first part of the year, and I'm still trying to regroup and catch my breath. I've been really tired, so tired I found myself having small dizzy spells. I've been trying to rest and not overdo, and catch up on sleep, and that has made a big difference (no more dizzy spells), but I might not get back in the studio for another week or so.


Linda Swanekamp said...

It has been a rough year for you. I hope you have a good primary doctor and have had or will have complete physical. When things are tough, the body responds and not always in a way we know how to recognize. Take care of your physical health as it the capital for what we want to do and accomplish.

kearnsquilter said...

Take care of yourself. Summer is a good time for a nice glass of iced tea and a good book. :)

Rebecca said...

What Linda Said!!!!
Take care of yourself....

Shepherdess55 said...

There is a season for everything. You've been through several already this year that were emotionally and physically demanding. Now it's time for a season of rest.

Cindy said...

Glad your yard sale went well. I have done one and swear never again! Now if I lived close I'd snatched up that red pitcher!

You have had a rough 2022 so far. Take the time to tend to you; to refresh and recharge. Nothing is more important than your health!!!! And making cookies with your granddaughter!!!