Monday, May 30, 2022

The Pit of Despair

I am not great at managing paper. My friend Julie calls it "The Paper Tiger." 

In January of 2019 my office looked like this. I spent the better part of a weekend cleaning the desk and getting rid of the junk. It was a good thing I did it. 

A few weeks later I was sent home to "work from home until this blows over." 

I pulled out an old card table and put my own papers on it so the desk was freed up to work.

Never in a thousand years did I expect to work from home for fourteen months.

In January of this year I built a pantry in the office closet. I still had to rearrange the rest of the closet, so, naturally, the stuff inside ended up in the office itself.

And then I got the brilliant idea to renovate my guest bathroom. The only problem is access to the shower plumbing is through the wall in the closet. So the pantry had to come out.

Of course it all ended up in the office, along with all the fixtures and things that were going to go in the new bathroom.

So when the plumbing was done and the closet was cleaned out, I was more than eager to put the pantry back together to get my room back.

This was a massive improvement, but as you can see, I had a long way to go.

So yesterday, two days into a long weekend, I started in on the office. My goal was to reclaim the floor space taken up by the folding table and clear off my desk.

You know you collect more than you need when you get rid of the excess and find yourself with empty storage containers (LOL) The stuff on the cat tree is stuff that's going in the renovated bathroom. I'm keeping the cat tree because I think I might someday get another cat.

Last month the town had a shredding event, so I had sorted through all my papers and brought a big box for shredding. The stuff in the corner is stuff I am planning to sell at the neighborhood yard sale at the end of June. 

So now the Pit of Despair isn't. It's now my Office.

It has been a hell of a year for me so far, and I'm looking forward to doing not a whole hell of a lot during the second half of the year.

Except in the Studio. I can't wait to spend more time in there doing my favorite thing... taking big pieces of fabric, cutting them up into smaller pieces of fabric, and then sewing them up into big pieces of fabric again.



Nancy J said...

The office looks great now, another cat, your heart will tell you when and the right one will choose you.

earthmotherwithin said...

Wow, that is a lot of projects under your belt! The room looks much better now.

Poppy Q said...

I think miss Millie would love you to get another friend to live with.

Poppy Q said...

Linda Swanekamp said...

I am sure there is another kitty packing their bags ready to descend on a perfectly cleaned and organized home to do their messing around thing. You did an admirable job of cleaning, reorganizing and making new. It has to be done from time to time and it is always worse before getting better. Enjoy your home!

Susan R said...

Lynne I can so relate to your life since March 2020! I'm in my last couple of weeks of "Spring cleaning"...since Summer begins in a few weeks. Good job girl!

It took me almost 3 years to open my heart to another cat. But in April of 2021 I rescued a 1.6 lb. boy from the Palm Springs Animal Shelter. Now he is 13 months old weighing in at 11.2 lbs. He is a mix of mostly Maine Coon etc. His name is Jake (my granddaughter named him.) I am sorry to hear of Millie's crossing to the Bridge.

Take care Lynne,
Susan and Jake

Quiltdivajulie said...

I know how much that "pit of despair" has been annoying you so I am beyond happy that you have been able to clean it out/clean it up and make some breathing space for yourself. I swear that paper will be the death of all of us if we don't keep it at bay.

JustGail said...

Well done on the office. That's the bad thing about paper, it's so small it's *way* to easy to stick it on a pile "for now" or "just in case". Suddenly the pile, rather piles, are huge. And everywhere. Your bathroom is looking great too. I'd keep the cat tree too, too expensive to buy another, and besides - good for displaying things until if/when new kitty shows up.

Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

Oh sweet, I bet that is a big relief to get your space back. It looks wonderful. I have set up an office in my living room this spring, and I completely understand not having the space to move about and the crowdedness. One day I will clean up/organize my own space.

Ann said...

Well done! We have a shredder at home but I recently read that they can't be recycled unless you go through an event like your town is having. I'll have to look for one like that, too.