Wednesday, December 8, 2021

The Spa Bath


After I scrubbed the tub I tested it to see if it worked. When it filled enough I tested the jets. Those work too. The cold water faucet leaks, so that will have to be fixed someday, but I'm not a big tub user so that isn't high on my list of priorities (if I had tons of money I'd rip the dam tub out, or at least get rid of the wall to wall carpeting... yeah, don't get me started.) One nice thing about my house is that both bathrooms have skylights in them, so they are always filled with light during the day. 

Anyway, I stuck the poinsettia on that corner of the tub and had a thought. Maybe the thing to do wasn't to HIDE it, but to SHOW IT OFF. I texted Julie.

So I put a second poinsettia in the other corner and did some online shopping.

By the way, this is what the quilt hides. Some things should be hidden from view.

The first thing I ordered was one of those bath pillows. I also ordered some bath bombs and an assortment of bath gels and goodies. Those haven't arrived yet, but the bath bombs will go in the bowl in the corner. It is one of Larry Sefton's bowls and was a gift from he and his wife Julie, my best pal.

I also ordered a bath shelf. Now the thing is looking pretty dang spiffy. Or "swanky" as my BIL would say.

Getting closer!!!


JustGail said...

You can walk around 3 sides? Never use it? Yikes, no wonder you'd like to reclaim the floor space with something useable for you. No explanation is needed on your opinion of the carpet. We had it in a bathroom too, and kitchen. Nice while shiny new, but then Nasty! Vile! Never again! It still gives a shiver when I think about what it became underneath. I'd love to replace *all* the carpet with hard floors, but DH has different opinion, and then there's the cost and work to empty the rooms to have it done and put it all back.

You done good on spiffing it up!

Nancy J said...

Spiffy, swanky, smart and sassy maybe? Looks wonderful with the added accessories and some pot plants.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Treating it with respect is definitely more pleasing than trying to bury it under random stuff. Bet you have a five-year plan for renovations like you did with your garden plantings …

Ruth said...

Such a smart use of a wonderful quilt-to hide unlovely shelving! You are really going all out to make this tub area beautiful. Cute yellow duckie!

QuiltGranma said...

If that was available to me I would sure use it. I LOVE reading a book in the tub! a rubber ducky is wonderful to have at a tub! "Rubber ducky, you're the one!! You make bath time lots of fun". One more thing to add, a light fragrance candle.