Saturday, June 5, 2021

Lady Snaps Grows


I got a little restless choosing bland blenders, so I cut some livelier greens to see what they would look like on the design wall. I put a few up, and realized it was just too much.

I moved some greens around, and they look better. I put some blues in there too, and a lavender. 

(Now look, I know it isn't QUITE there yet. I still have work to do.)

Now the orange block in the center bugged me.

Not too fond of that either.

Pink? Maybe.

I have to play a bit more. Not a problem, I can do that. I have decided that the center blocks of the blenderish colors will be the lights that are already in the quilt. I am also not quite sure if I will keep the colored blocks surrounding the center like an echo. Maybe not.

We'll see how it goes.


Quiltdivajulie said...

The pink is better than the orange - have fun playing!

stitchinpenny said...

The orange is certainly an attention grabber. I like the pink a lot. Waiting to see your vision for the blues and purples. I tend to take lots of pictures of purple flower and they always surprise me with their variation!

Nancy J said...

Orange, so glad it is gone, and green, pink and the lemons, a lovely combination, but, knowing you, this is NOT the final layout.

Patty Stenpeck said...

Not enough Purple. But I like it. Good job.

Linda Swanekamp said...

There is certainly a lot of room for trying things out at this stage. I am sure you move it around enough to suit you.