Friday, March 5, 2021

Getting There

It took me a while to figure out that this (above)

Pretty much is a long rectangle version of this, above.

Here those shapes are rearranged so I get this dark diamond-ish shape in the middle, which I like very much. Now watch this...

ALL I DID was add two cream arc blocks to each side. This shape (if you turn it on its side) is called an Ogee. It's a very old very traditional shape. Now watch this...

ALL I DID here was replace the two round cream blocks at the top and bottom with the arc cream blocks. Pretty interesting, huh?

Here I went back to the sideways Ogee shape, added brown quarter round blocks to the four corners, and then added the brown arcs to make points. (I didn't have enough blocks for the bottom.) This is interesting, but to me the brown is TOO HEAVY.

Here I removed the brown quarter round blocks at the top, and replaced the with the brown arc blocks. Quite a difference, isn't it, compared to the bottom half? Watch this...

This is the same as above, but I replaced the top and bottom (you know) with the rounded blocks instead of the pointy ones. The big arc on the top has a kind of a graceful swoop from one side to the other, but the bottom one is kinda heavy.

This is the stuff I do when you all think I'm doing nothing when I skip a day of blogging. So where is this all going? I thought you'd never ask, but you'll have to wait until tomorrow. It's past my bedtime. :-) 


The Selvage Fairy said...

I know these blocks are just a substitute for the blue and white to come, but I'm really loving the brown and cream.

Patti said...

I love them all, well almost all, but whatever you are going to show us tomorrow, I look forward to.

QuiltGranma said...

The white center area is like a pair of lips ready to kiss.