Tuesday, July 28, 2020


Stuck in the house with all the heat, I've been doing a bit of housekeeping. The last window I had to clean was this one behind the couch. In order to get back there, I had to pull the couch forward.

I shouldn't have been surprised how dirty it was. Millie has been napping back there on really hot days, so I let the Roomba to do its thing.

I washed the window, and then washed the mini blind. I've now washed all but four of the mini blinds in the house. There are three I can't figure out how to take down without breaking something. I'll wait a bit, and try to get them when a friend of mine can tell me how to take them down properly. Once the blinds are clean, I hang them outside on the porch railing to dry, so I want to get them done before the weather gets too cool.


Ann said...

Our bed is too heavy to move and I know there's scads of dust I can't reach. Perhaps I need a roomba, too.

Megan said...

You could try googling for instructions on how to take the blinds down - there's bound to be a YouTube video on it!

Sydney, Australia

Quiltdivajulie said...

Oh, Megan - you took the words right out of my mouth. Every time we are stumped on something, DH says, “ go check you tube” and 99% of the time, we find a workable answer.