Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Two Things Tuesday

When I posted the first Colors posts on Friday, one reader commented that she wanted to paint her living room "butter yellow." Well, as you can see in the photo above, my living room IS "butter yellow" and I highly recommend it. But you have to get the right yellow. Now you can all see just why the Golden Zebras quilt works so well.

I've told you all about how aggravating it is when a piece of equipment in your studio suddenly goes on the fritz. That happened to my iron last week. It suddenly started leaking rusty water on whatever I was pressing. Been there, done that before, so the iron went DIRECTLY into the trash. I then fished out the spare from the depths of a closet, plugged it in and went right back to work. With all the shipping delays from online stores right now, I was really glad I had this one ready.

ok THREE things... YES, I am currently working on the Zebra quilts tutorial.


Linda Swanekamp said...

Always good to have a spare. I have one iron I always use dry. It is one of those cordless ones and I love it. Now it comes in a ceramic plate bottom. When this one dies, that is what I will get, hopefully. My steam one is one of those overpriced Eurosteam that I bought in a weak moment at a home show. It works fine, but costly.

Wendy said...

I agree that you must be careful with yellow. Our family room is yellow. I LOVED it when I was finished painting, then the sun went down, the lights went on, and I HATED it! Changed all the light bulbs to daylight bulbs and I loved it again!

Just Ducky said...

Time to order your new spare iron!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Our kitchen is butter yellow - so are the two adjoining rooms (Laundry to one end and Dining at the other). We love it - they were a very similar color before and were repainted last fall with almost the same shade. We love it.

JustGail said...

Our living room is pale butter yellow, not nearly as yellow as yours. Sort of bummed that I didn't realize the sky blue ceiling would look green in daytime :-/ I've lived with it for 17 years now, and will keep living with it a while longer, as it takes a scaffold to paint the highest part of the walls and ceiling. It was the only room in the house painted a color, until DS painted his room army green, walls and ceiling. Not my thing, but I don't dislike it enough to change it yet.

I probably should look for a new iron - mine spewed icky water also. But I rarely use steam, so now that it's empty, no big rush. I hope.

Ann said...

I've had soft yellow walls before and always love to see them. It was interesting how the tints that work best differed when we moved to a new state. I guess it's the amount /angle of sun.


Love that butter yellow! More importantly, I love your chimes, I have much smaller versions hanging on some of our windows, well on the curtain rod or tacked above the frame. Its great to hear the wind come in! You have created a very beautiful room! I can't tell, is your sofa, green or grey?