Thursday, May 14, 2020

It's Never Too Late...

Way back when I was drawing, my son who was about 12 at the time, made this comment: "It's never too late, Mom. That's what erasers are for."

How the hell he got to be so damn smart I'll never know. However.

After work yesterday I sewed the middle third of this together while my dinner cooked in the oven. When I went back into the studio to sew together the blocks that filled the empty space above, I had a thought. "I wonder..." Then I started tinkering...

About forty-five minutes later I had this, and while I knew it wasn't perfect, I knew I was onto something. I had been so damn determined to make a blue version of Jealousy, it never occurred to me to try SOMETHING ELSE!

Now, I can hear you all laughing, and please, be my guest. I never claimed to be perfect. I don't have all the answers, but I do know enough to ask a lot of questions. And you all know me enough to know I never SETTLE!

So I called my pal Julie and asked her if she thought I had lost my mind. Was this new iteration at least as good as the other one. I thought it was, and it was reassuring to hear her agree. (Oh, by the way, artists are well known to have insecurities. I am an artist, therefore I have insecurities. Go ahead and laugh some more, but I will tell you that because I also Never Give Up, I have made some pretty cool quilts.)

After another hour and a half of tinkering and cutting, I had this, and while it isn't perfect, it was time for bed, and I can always will tinker more later.


Linda Swanekamp said...

It is better. At least you did not sew the whole thing together first. I have one that I have ripped all the blocks apart and wondering if it will be worth it as I can't see the new arrangement until it is all ripped and redone.

stitchinpenny said...

I like it much better and after going away from it and coming back three times I know why it is more pleasing to my eye. I am very happy that you like it better and that Julie agrees.

Quiltdivajulie said...

To Linda - yes, it will be better - just keep going.

To Lynne - yes, this is better - and your son is SO wise. Love the eraser comment.

Ruth said...

The fewer big-winged birds the better. I like this set-up!

Sewing Up A Storm said...

I love your comment (or your son's comment) it is never too late. I made a scrappy quilt many years ago and the huge top was all pieced and ready for quilting. I laid it out flat to have one final look................yep out came the seam ripper and several blocks were moved around!

Your final version looks much more polished. I like how you grouped the blocks with the same fabric together, it just makes the shape of the design pop more and the colors are more pleasing together.

I am like that too, I design as I go and sometimes things sit for quite some time between steps because it has to look right and since I mostly design all my own stuff I do not know what that is until I move things about. Your quilt now looks amazing and I can't wait to see the final finish!

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

The thing is they are both striking. You have a series going and there are many more arrangements/color groups, etc. that will work. You could finish it either way but person preference will win out. This is exactly why I use the same design over and over; I'm not done exploring the possibilities and I think you are doing the same thing. Have fun making the decision!

cees said...

Gosh, I agree total with Wanda, the first pic here is fine with me but so is the second and last. And yes, you could go on with this design 'tinkering' and making with many more color variations till you lost your stash, never a dull moment. Great the way you keep us informed with the way you go.


I am really taken with you and Aletha Ballard, and a very I follow in Instagram. You are curious I think. I am an average wanna be quilter, I am not sure I am at the curious stage yet, but when I get there ....

O'Quilts said...

good for is great