Friday, May 15, 2020

Make it Yours

I got up yesterday morning, very excited about playing with this. I moved a few things around. I did not like the bland blenderinsh light blues in the blue diamonds on either side of the center one.

I really liked the center diamond, and it is BUSY, so I decided to make the other two blue diamonds busy too. I cut strips of these fabrics...

So here are the big diamonds. Now I have to shuffle around the lights.

Some of the light creamy fabrics were just too bland and too light. They looked like holes.

So I had to replace them. That means I made new ones.

So this is the almost final version, and I am pretty happy with it. The middle section is all sewn up, otherwise I would swap one of the white lozenges with another one. I have to decide how important it is to do that. Ripping out a long bias edge doesn't always end well. But you know me. If it annoys me, it's got to go. And if it annoys me now and I leave it in, I'm going to be even more annoyed with it every time I look at it in the future. (And, by the way, that is how you know something has to change. If it fits that definition, fix it.)

Wanda (you know, the closest thing we have to a Quilt Goddess), pointed out that my original layout was striking, and the changes I made were all about what was singing for me in my own head. She's spot on right. Very often, there are no bad options, and many good ones. There is never only ONE way to do it. Like I tell every single class I teach, and every single group I speak to, "Don't copy my quilts. MAKE YOUR OWN."


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

That was definitely an improvement taking out the plainer light blues. I love the Kaffe fan fabric.

Melody A. said...

I think either version was amazing!!! beautiful design and quilt! hope a pattern or instructions is available!!! Take care and Be safe from Iowa Happy sewing !