Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Snow? What?

This is the view outside the window when I got up this morning. I have NEVER seen snow on the ground this late in April.


Just Ducky said...

Welcome to Spring! Last year we had snow on April 27. Have had snow even into May a few times.

Quiltdivajulie said...

But how great that you did NOT have to drive to work in it!

Nancy J said...

Not going down the steep street this morning, one year there was a huge snowfall in the south in May, way too early, and we have been known to have heavy frosts at New Year up here. Stay inside and keep warm.

MissPat said...

We've had snow on maybe 8 out of the last 10 days. It doesn't stick around very long, but it's really annoying to have snow this late in April, even in western NY.

Ann said...

It looks pretty but I'm sure you're tired of it.

JoZart Designs said...

That is amazing ....Well the world has gone crazy. We would normally be having rain and cool weather in England but it has been really warm and sunny just like a good Summer. Perfect for sitting or working in the garden and a relief from being housebound on lock in.