Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Template is PERFECT!!!

OK I am officially weird!!! I think this is beautiful!

Leslie made the changes I had asked for on the template, and made a modification of her own. Leslie also knows how to sew, so the took it upon herself to indicate the seam line as a dashed line! It is a great change, and I'm glad she did it. It was the right call.

Leslie usually spends her days designing machines that make things, so she was delighted at this change of pace. I've promised her a copy of the tutorial in exchange and she is very excited.

She printed me a copy of the template, and naturally it was perfect. She emailed me the file as a pdf and I saved it to a flash drive. After work I brought the flash drive to the local Staples, where they printed me a copy. Total price?


Yup. It is big, but doesn't have much ink, so it was cheap. The young guy who helped me told me to have folks ask for a blueprint so they'll get the right thing. Of course it could be printed on sturdier poster paper, but that would be a bit more expensive.

Anyway, I measured the important parts, and sure enough, it was perfect. Leslie and I also added a one inch square on the template so you can be sure it is printed correctly. Oh boy, I am getting excited now.


Megan said...

Great outcome.

Sydney, Australia

Hubblebird said...

I am so glad that you decided to branch out and design a template. I will be one of the first to purchase!

MarĂ­a A Venereo said...

I will be next

Quiltdivajulie said...

Hooray for collaboration!

JustGail said...

Those look great! They are labeled so nicely and include trimming for the corners - sweet!

I have a question on making templates - I see some oddly shaped ones in magazines and would like to make some out of acrylic or plexiglass to use with rotary cutters. After making making sure the photo copy is correct size, do I leave the outline visible when cutting out the acrylic or plexiglass? Or should it get removed? I know such a little line shouldn't be such a big deal, but when multiplied by how many seams in a whole quilt.... I know in garment sewing you are supposed to cut off the cutting line on the pattern. I've done searches and in all the template making tutorials I've found, this is never discussed.

Then again, I probably shouldn't stress so much since my sewing sometimes isn't the straightest, let alone how straight I might be using the saw :-O :-)

Linda Swanekamp said...

Great to have friends in smart places. Looks great.

Nancy said...

I am really looking forward to this. <3