Tuesday, January 28, 2020

One Template, Two Templates

Some things LOOK easy, but they can be deceptively difficult. The Zebras quilt is one of them. There are actually FOUR different triangle shapes that get sewn together and believe you me, it is easy to get confused. Still, it's a fun quilt, and the designs you can create are really interesting and very modern looking. This isn't your grandmother's quilt!

I'm working on the tutorial in my head, thinking about everything I want to say and all the little details I want to include. A template is vital.

I'm working with my friend Leslie, a design engineer, to create a template for the long triangle that can be downloaded as a PDF file and then printed to the correct size. When Leslie prints the file on a large format plotter it's perfect, and the next thing I have to do is bring it to a place like Staples to see if it prints the way it should.

I've tested the full size print and it works beautifully. One thing I discovered is that I want the horizontal lines (where the seams for the stripes are) to extend into the seam allowance area, as I have drawn them in the photo above. This should help quilters line up their templates for maximum success. Quilters will be able use the pdf file printouts to create a templates out of poster board, or whatever material they prefer.

The template is important because the triangles have to be the right size to fit together, and I want the stripes to line up properly, like in the photo above. You can't buy a plastic ruler this big, so you need a template. For me that is the biggest hurdle.

So even though you may not be seeing or hearing much about this in the coming weeks, it doesn't mean I'm not doing anything. I have to make the backing for two quilts and sew the binding on two more, so I'm going to be busy.


Linda Swanekamp said...

Well, at least it is a good busy. I love the colors. It has been so gray, that I am craving color.

Nancy J said...

All progress is good as long as it is going in the right direction. The templates look great, lots of detailed lines that will be the backbone of a perfect finished block.

Mystic Quilter said...

Great idea for the template and I love your Firebird quilt.