Friday, January 17, 2020

Primo & Segundo

Here is the batch of blocks I started yesterday for the new Slashed Squares quilt. (You can get the tutorial here.)

And here are some pairs I have planned for the next batch.

Yes, those are dinos. In a quilt about light blue, brown and creamish, that fabric fits. When orange gets dark it turns brown, so the fabric is perfect for this quilt. Plus it's one more thing viewers will get to discover.

And speaking of...
So you like this blue on white fabric?  Think again.

It is fussy cut from fabric that has different bands of colors. Don't look at your fabric for what it IS, look at it for WHAT ELSE it can be!


Linda Swanekamp said...

The colors and fabrics are wonderful. Can't wait to see more progress.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Love those dinosaurs peeking out of that block.