Saturday, December 28, 2019


I've been tinkering with the layout for a new Zebras quilt, and I have come up with this one. (Sorry Allison)

This is the basic color story.

Here it is with the big prints thrown in. This isn't everything, but it's a good start.

This is kinda sorta where I am headed with it.


Dee W said...

I am liking the colors of this. Give away the yellow one and keep this one. I'm a rainbow sort of gal, so this is my wheelhouse. Tell Millie Hi for me, pet her if she'll let you. Happy New Year!

Just Ducky said...

Wow and that would give a wonderful quilt in black and white or some other two color popping matches.

Allison said...

I love it when I keep my eyes closed!

Unknown said...

looks like some good things coming up.

Judy P. said...

This is going to be totally fab. I can't wait to see it.

Sewgirl said...

Happy New Year Lynn, Loved your GD with her new quilt...sooo sweet!! Love your color selection on this new one, as usual!

Lauriejo said...

I thought the golden zebra was wonderful, it just glows. But now that I see the rainbow growing, it might be even better.

Carol said...

You are talking my language with these colors! Love it!

Ruth said...

Wow! As I was scrolling down the page your black and white quilt seemed to be pulsating as I scrolled, very interesting.
I am watching with interest as you work on the yellows and oranges, it is fun to see the changes as you work through to the final design.