Sunday, October 27, 2019


What do you do on a perfect autumn day when the temperatures are mild, the sun is out, the house is clean (ish) and you have an idea for a quilt in your head? You go shopping. I drove out to Portsmouth NH to the Portsmouth Fabric Company.

I went there because they are known to have a gigantic collection of Kaffe Fassett fabrics as well as other unique and modern novelty-ish fabrics. I wanted some giant prints in green to add to my collection for my Green-Eyed Monster quilt.

I bought these, which will work very well. I have already run them through the washer and dryer and cut strips from them.

I also bought this Ghastlies fabric, because, Hello! how could I not?

And I bought this for the binding of my A Spring of Teal quilt, the small bird sampler quilt. Because you know, cats - birds...!!!

Boy, I'm telling you, thank goodness for GPS. I used to live just outside of Portsmouth, so I used to know my way around, but I can't remember the time I was last there.. (Oh wait, it was the year the last of the Harry Potter books came out, because I was there for my birthday with my son and we passed by a lot of people reading it. The books invariably came out around my birthday.) Anyway, I couldn't remember where Penhallow Street was, so thank the GPS. But parking in Portsmouth is rather a nightmare. I knew once I found a parking space, I could use the GPS to lead me in the right direction.

Fortunately they now have parking garages in Portsmouth or I'm pretty sure I would have never made it into town. The town was PACKED with visitors and tourists. I navigated through it all, and found a parking garage and parked, then walked about a block to two to the shop. It was fun because when I gave my name one of the sales ladies looked up and said, "OH! I want to take your bird class, I just LOVE your birds!" We had a nice chat. 

Fortunately my phone has a gizmo that remembers where I parked my car, because I had absolutely no freaking clue where the parking garage was. I was able to find my way to the correct parking garage (apparently there are two) and locate my car. Driving home was a piece of cake. I had the sunroof open, the cruise control set, and the heat blasting.

It was a great day.


Poppy Q said...

Looks like a lovely day, it is spring here and it is cold and windy here. The heaters are on.

I love Kaffe Fassett designs but the cat one made me smile.

Julie and Poppyq

Quiltdivajulie said...

I bought that Ghastlies print when I was in NC (town near the Folk School) for the back of my strata quilt.

Sounds like a grand day.

Just Ducky said...

Any town with water, bridges and non-straight streets is a place that will be hard to get around.

Judy P. said...

You've got to love GPS. One day I had to go to downtown L.A., and when my event was over, I couldn't remember where I had parked my car. I think it took me an hour or more to find the right lot. I was really in a panic.

Robby said...

Sounds like a perfectly wonderful day. What a treat to have the clerk pop up and recognize you and express a desire to learn from you.