Thursday, July 18, 2019

Becky's Bird

This is Becky and the bird she made when she visited me in April.

This is a better view of Becky's bird.

Becky is a quilter who lives (ah, I can't remember. Out of town. Way out.) and contacted me because she couldn't take the class I taught at MQX in April. She said she'd be in Manchester and wondered if we could get together. That we did, and I brought her to my house to give her a private lesson in making my birds**.  We had a lot of fun. We sewed and we cooked and ate and did all kinds of great quilty stuff.

I love meeting my blog readers, so if you are ever in the great state of New Hampshire or even close by in Vermont or Mass, shoot me an email and we can try to get together.

** If you want to make one of my birds, you can get my tutorial here, at my Etsy shop. It's an instant download, so you can get started right away. You can even use your scraps, although I should warn you, making birds is a lot like eating potato chips... you can't stop at just one!


Quiltdivajulie said...

FUN for both of you! Beautiful bird with too-cool blue legs.

The Selvage Fairy said...

Becky's bird matches her shirt!

Becky said...

Yes, it was a very fun time. I didn't realize the bird matched my shirt as I was picking the fabrics, but just when you took the picture. I'm putting your name forward as a possible Guild speaker and workshop instructor during 2020 for the Quilters Guild of Greater Kansas City - I live on the east side in Blue Springs. Thanks for the great time and doing all the driving.