Friday, March 28, 2014

Y, oh Y?

This isn't quite right (the dividing line isn't in the middle) but at least the dividing line is straight,  right?

Nope. Look again.

So I had to fix it...

OK. The V of the letter is exactly on the dividing line, and the dividing line is nice and straight.

Go figure. 

Actually it's an optical illusion.

So here's a conundrum.  Should I make it LOOK RIGHT but BE WRONG or leave it BEING RIGHT but LOOKING WRONG?

What would YOU do?


joe tulips said...

Not sure. Does it look right with the rest of the letters in the quilt. What does the big picture look like?

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I would make the bottom half of the Y vertical like the other letters, half on the black side, half on the white side.

Rebecca said...

Part of the joy in your quilts is the touch or wonky or whimsy. I would leave it as is.

Kathy said...

I agree with Rebecca.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Wanda may be onto something . . . . unless it looks too formal in relation to the other letters.

Anonymous said...

If it LOOKS right, but isn't; you won't have to explain it.

If it IS right, but looks wrong; you will need to keep a ruler handy to prove it to people who want to pick.

Or, you can just show those people the door and please yourself.

Megan said...

I'm voting for being right. I don't actually think the 'right' one looks wrong, you see. Go figure.

Sydney, Australia

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

I agree with Rebecca... for what it's worth.

Mr. Karate said...

I would make it wrong, then go eat ice cream.