Monday, February 24, 2025

This That and the Other

 According to the Washington Post, you area a super reader if you read over 50 books in a single year. have beat that number by a significant margin for the last four or five years.

Last year, my Kindle helpfully told me I had read 99 books. What was annoying about that was that it told me that very late in the day on New Year's Eve so I did not have enough time to make the number an even 100.

So that's my goal for 2025.

Well, since I always have a book going it looks like I am going to crush that number. As of yesterday I had read 27, At that rate I will get to 100 before the end of June. (No, I do not speed read.)

So I dug out a jigsaw puzzle. 

I have been retired just short of six months, and in that time I have made eleven quilt tops. That used to be my average output for a year. So yeah, I have to find something else to do!

Now, I've told you that I am going to make an orange quilt. I am waiting for fabric, so until then, I have dug through the big scrap bins and pulled out the green bits and started to make slabs.

I've decided that the only way to work my way through those bins is to make slabs, and then cut triangles from them, so I have decided to work my way through all the bins in this way. 

I've cut 80 green triangles.

Now, in order to keep myself from going crazy, I'm just going to go through the bins and grab some of whatever color I choose, and then make scrap slab triangles. I can make lots of quilts with the triangles. So I'm going to make the triangles, and then store them for whenever. I still have lots of green fabrics, but I also have lots of other colors.

Here is where I am on the jigsaw puzzle.

The orange fabrics arrive on Tuesday, and will have to go through the washer and dryer before I can work with them, so I have a few days to make more slabs. (And read and work on the puzzle.)

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