Friday, February 21, 2025



I picked up the Joyful quilt from the long-arm quilter on Wednesday. I really like this quilting design.

It's such a bright and happy quilt, so I chose this colorful fabric for the binding.

Here you can see the equally colorful fabric on the back.

Another picture of the beautiful quilting.

The binding pinned to the front.


I'll take beauty shots outside in the next day or two.


Nancy J said...

I hope this is for yourself, I can see it in springtime, shining with the beautiful backing and binding.

Quayquilter said...

Great quilt

Quiltdivajulie said...

Joyful is the PERFECT name for this quilt. Front, back, binding, and quilting motif. Yes!

Sue said...

That is definitely joyful! Beautiful to my eyes, with snow and extreme cold here in Oklahoma. The binding fabric is perfect. Thanks for sharing your quilting life with us.

Lizzie said...


Linda Swanekamp said...

Love all the colors. Too much continuous white here. Color breathes fresh air.