Sunday, February 16, 2025

Christmas Already?


When I was making the Kangamangus quilt I liked the way that six scrap slab triangles made a kind of a star.

I thought it could be fun to show them off as stars in a quilt for Christmas.

So I dug out my Christmas fabrics and made slabs, and then cut triangles. 

Here are a few of the blocks on the design wall.  I have no idea where this is going yet. Arranging them this way is too much like the Kangamangus quilt, so I will definitely change that idea up. Generally when I make a Christmas quilt I limit myself to Red, Green and Gold, but that might be a challenge in this. At any rate, I'm still playing with the idea. It will change. It's very much an idea in progress.

This is a Scrap Slab Triangle Quilt, and you can get my tutorial for them here, at my Etsy shop.

In other news, I have been following a "pre-diabetic" style diet by tracking my carbohydrate intake and doing all the other things that diabetics need to do. I have been testing my blood daily and tracking my glucose levels. 

I went through all my cookbooks (I have over 100) and separated those that listed Nutritional information for each recipe. When I am planning my meals for the week, I reach for those first.

My A1C is where it ought to be, and I have so far lost 8 pounds. It's not just about the food. It's a complicated process, but I do not want Diabetes, and am fully aware this is a diet/lifestyle I must follow for the rest of my life. Because I plan to be here to live it.

1 comment:

Quiltdivajulie said...

Congrats on the lifestyle changes - you are not alone!