Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Binding and Backing


I made the backing for the Needle in a Haystack quilt. I know it's going to be terrific!

I figured as long as I was at it, I should create the bindings for the other quilt tops I have waiting to be quilted. From left, the binding for the second Nightingale quilt; the binding for Needle in a Haystack; binding for the third Nightingale quilt; binding for the Joyful quilt, and binding for Cat's quilt.

I thought, well, in for a penny, in for a pound, so I also made the binding for three other quilts, the Bananas quilt; binding for the Little Boxe and the binding for the Harlequin quilt. And then I got the bright idea of labelling them in case something happened and I lost my mind and forgot which binding was for which quilt.

So here they all are, waiting for their appropriate quilts.  I'll be collecting the Joyful quilt next week, and will be dropping off Harlequin, Kangamangus and the Little Boxes quilts for quilting.

And by the way, you have not lost your mind. I have made tenths  quilt tops since I retired.

What's next? I did some stash replenishment shopping and I have ironing to do over the next few days.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

10 Quilts! I retired one year ago and I have made 6, but 3 of those were assembling blocks I had (2 from swaps 20 years ago), 2 are baby quilts and one is about 20" square. Only one is completed and gifted, one is quilted waiting binding and the rest are waiting quilting. You are so prolific! And I hesitate to quilt because unless it is straight line, I've not been satisfied with my efforts. I know, as Nike says, Just Do It! And it will get better. Hopefully you are the motivation I needed to start quilting. Thanks Lynne!