Friday, January 31, 2025

Nightingale Goes Home


Me, Erik & JF.

Tony, Erik & JF.

Tony is my insurance agent. At a meeting last fall when we were discussing my retirement, he mentioned that Erik's house had. burned down last summer and that he and his fiancee had escaped with nothing. They lost everything.  "Oh my gosh, does he need a quilt?" I asked.

Tony practically exploded from his chair. "That's a terrific idea!" 

I brought out my phone and a picture of the Nightingale quilt. "This is a picture of the quilt I just finished. Would that work?" Tony thought the quilt was stunning. "YES!" 

So we made plans. I wrote the story and send the quilt out to be quilted.

Tony and I presented the quilt to Erik on Wednesday. Erik is a big guy, and was near to tears when I told him the story and presented him the quilt. He kept saying the quilt was so beautiful, and he loved it, and his fiancee was going to love it too. We took pictures. 

I then presented the printed copy of the quilt's story to Erik. "I could tell you this story, but you'd forget it. This way you can remember it and share it with Jessica." Erik said, "Wow, now I'm gonna cry." He paused,  "I thought I was in trouble when Tony called me into the office!

"Well you will certainly be invited when the house is finished and we have our big housewarming party."

I accepted that invitation right away.

Erik kept saying he couldn't believe it.

Then it was time for me to leave and Erik and the team to get back to work. "I'll be here, but I don't think I'll be able to concentrate..." Erik laughed.

It's always fun when you gift a quilt!


Quiltdivajulie said...

Yes, it most certainly is. That's why we make quilts.

Cherie Moore said...

Itis so fun to gift a quilt, I almost feel guilty for the thanks received, because joy of gifting is so wonderful.

Michele in Harrisburg said...

Thank you for sharing. This is my "Feel Good" moment of the day!