Friday, October 25, 2024


 I had not had the yearly maintenance done on my heating unit since the pandemic. Generally I remember to schedule this because there is a note in the monthly bill. But I must have missed it. Anyway I scheduled an appointment last month and a technician came Thursday morning and found a leak. Since it was leaking CO2, he disconnected the unit.

EEEK! No heat!  EEK.. CO2!  

But he said he thought the leak was so small my CO2 monitor would probably not have picked it up.

And the heating unit is covered with a warranty so replacing it will be no charge to me. The problem is it won't get done until Monday. That's four days and four nights with no heat. Sigh.

My studio has electric heat, so I'm good there, and I've been lent some space heaters, so I should be OK, but wrapping my head around all of it was nerve-wracking, to say the least. 

The temperatures for the next three days will be 52-61F during the day, it's supposed to be sunny all weekend and it won't drop below freezing until Sunday night. It won't be so cold that I have to worry about pipes freezing. All good things. My Mom said I could sleep at her house, but that will be a last resort. I'd rather sleep in my own bed anyway. Clearly I have enough quilts to keep me warm.

So dinner will be anything I can cook in the oven (a way to generate heat) and I may do a bit of baking (again, oven). The electric heat in the studio warms the room almost immediately and doesn't need much to keep the room warm. I've got a recliner and a TV in there, so I will not have any trouble staying comfy. And did I mention it was the studio?

It could, of course, be worse. 


Georgett said...

Good Morning Lynn, All while I’m reading this I’m thankful no harm has come to you with the CO2. Then my thoughts went to “hey don’t you have a pile of quilts to get under! Ha Ha.

JustGail said...

Bummer on the furnace, but at least it's not mid-January. And as you say, you have plenty of quilts to keep you warm. I hope the part arrives and repairs happen quickly.

Minor quibble... you typed CO2, I think you mean CO ??
CO2 = carbon dioxide, people drink lots of CO2 in carbonated beverages.
CO = carbon monoxide, colorless odorless poisonous gas that can be produced by combustion (cars, furnaces, water heaters, etc.).