Friday, August 9, 2024



My son and granddaughter arrived a couple of days ago. Their flight was delayed by 2 hours and they finally got to my house about 10 PM, and they were hungry! So I fed them, and they both perked right up. 

The next day they came over and my DGD and I baked a cake and then I asked her to crawl under my worktables to fish out some fabrics and tools I had dropped back there.

We added the stitching for gathering the skirt on the Dino dress I am working on. DGD expressed an interest in sewing herself, so I Gabe her a strip of fabric and let her practice.

The next day she sewed the hem on the dress.

My son took pictures of us, and he asked us to be a little bit silly.

Jet lag finally caught up with the both of them.


Elle said...

Ah sweet days and memories to treasure. :-)

Ruth said...

What a fun grandma you are! So great to spend time with loved ones. Our family is doing our own pinewood derby this Saturday, maybe 15 of us local folks.

Mickey's Musings said...

Looks like there may be another sewing fan in the family :)

Mystic Quilter said...

Happy photos of the visit, and how nice to see your granddaughter at the machine.

Cherie Moore said...

Love the silly picture and what is better than have a small person dig out the bits that make their way to hard to reach places? A three hour time difference is quite enough to cause jet lag for days I’ve found and for some reason going east is worse than going west. Enjoy your in person family time!!

Barwitzki said...

Oh how beautiful... such great photos. It makes me happy.
I also took my grandchildren on my lap and sewed with them on the sewing machine - both boys and girls - and the girl now sews around on their clothes if she doesn't like something and makes it the way she wants it... I'm pleased. Kind regards to you.