I asked Deb to come over and take a look at what I had on the design wall. She was happy. She loved the fabrics I had chosen and I was glad to see we were on the same page. I did a lot of tinkering after she left and this is the layout I will sew together.
When Deb visited we talked about borders and binding and we looked at some fabrics for each.
Now I do not usually allow this kind of input in my quilts, but when I toured Deb's house, she wasn't kidding. It was a lovely, serene home, but it was very neutral. I knew that if it were up to me I would add more color, but this quilt is for Deb, and I wanted to be 100% sure she was good with the design and the fabrics I had chosen.
Although it is quiet and neutral, it will be a very beautiful quilt in its own way. Deb has told me the quilt will have a place of honor living on the back of the couch in her living room.
Now I've got to sew this together. Of course, before that happens I will scrutinize the design to make sure it is up to snuff. I can already see some things I might change - like some of the lines are too much the same in some rows or columns.
OH! The quilt needs a name. Suggestions welcome!
I love color but was asked to make two neutral baby quilts in 2023.
I was in total agony! Both turned out very nice and, I think, provided peaceful quilts for tummy time. I do like what you've done with Deb's quilt and will keep that design in mind if anyone asks for another. Thanks for posting!
“Stripped back”. Lovely quilt.
i LOVE low volume quilts!!! i've made a few, and have a couple more in the pipelines... there's just something about them! i LOVE color, too, and my house could by no stretch be called serene (ha!). probably optimistically eclectic would be a better description!
how about Whisper for this quilt name?
Serenity? Obvious but perfectly suits the quilt.
Hopscotch. Love the layout, but knowing you, there will be changes. I know one lady here in NZ, her home was all in white, and the family sometimes said it was like a hospital ward, cold and unfeeling. But a home with this quilt will be filled with feelings and love and care, and it already has a place designated, so it will be there and seen and used every day. That is a testament to how much this is valued.
It reminds me of a low tide beach early in the morning before anyone arrives with a muted sunrise….perfectly peaceful.
Perhaps Zen Friend for a name? I’m not a beige/neutral person either, but your collaboration with Deb is stunning
How big do the square finish?
First thing came to mind - "Pickup Sticks"
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