Monday, January 15, 2024

Change Partners and Dance


Yeah, this star doesn't work either.

So when this happens, I have learned to let it go, and work on something else. Part of my plan was to have a row of trees at the bottom. The ones on the design wall are leftovers from another project, so I'll have to make new ones anyway. I thought I would have a great big tall one in the center and smaller ones on either side.

Then I decided to make the asterisks bounce up and down. Hmm. Three looked good. I made five. What would it look like it I threw the other two on there?

OK, so that looks good. But part of my plan is to have the letters N O E L in there too. So before I go too far down that road, I better put them up on the design wall so I can get a better idea of what's going on.

As usual, I can either sew or take pictures. An hour and a half later, I had letters, and I put them where I had orginally planned them, at the bottom.

Stepping back though, that row of boxes looks like a barrier as you work your way down. That will require some more thought.

OK, if you want to make some birds, you can get my tutorial for them here.

If you want to make letters without patterns or templates or paper piecing you can get my tutorial for those here. I tell you everything.


JustGail said...

I wonder if the asterisk star might benefit from reducing the length of the vertical legs? Start with the top leg only? Not much, maybe so they match the horizontal legs. I agree, those presents do act as a sort of block. Make smaller white "Noel" letters and and applique them on the presents?

Not that you asked :-), I'm pondering out loud what I might do. I'm quite sure you'll pull out a solution I'd not think of.

Ruth said...

I was watching the changes going down, hadn't seen yesterday's post, and I sort of thought that the next star was going to be small and placed, between the birds, sort of like a far-away-in-the-distance reminder of the manger. I like these things paired together. Another day there will be another view!

Chookyblue...... said...

I'm enjoying seeing the others on this ..... Cool design .....