Wednesday, January 17, 2024

A Star and More


This is one of the first asterisk stars I made over 10 years ago. I considered it a runt and sent it to Julie along with a collection of my misfits and she put it into the quilt we named Magic Happens. As I was making the bed the other day, I noticed how this asterisk looked like an elongated star. It took me a while to figure out how to replicate it.

It was my inspiration for a replacement star for the new Holiday quilt.

But the row of boxes was a big horizontal block that bothered me, so I shifted them around.

This looks better. 

Now I have to make more of the green trees just under the yellow asterisk. They will be dark green, but this one has a black background. This is an example of what I tell my students - that Value trumps Color. When this fabric is lined up next to other dark greens, this fabric looks like it belongs.

This isn't an accident. It's going to be similar to the color arrangement in the Holiday boxes.

In the row of four holiday packages, three are red and one is green. I like to have one in a row a bit different.
In the word NOEL, the fabrics are mostly red, but two have bits of green.

The plan for this quilt was to be narrow and tall - about 30" x 60".  I am mostly happy with what I have, but not much is carved in stone. I may yet tinker. Next up is to make three green trees (did you notice the red trunks ?) and then I'll reconsider. Nothing is sewn together yet.

Stay tuned!


Raewyn said...

I love the star - it suits perfectly! And I love how it all is looking so far :-)

Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

I like the star's being above the tallest tree.

Ruth said...

Oh, I have a tiny bit of the green with gold holly fabric of the center tree left, I have loved using that in my Christmas quilts! Today's arrangement looks so nice! I like to see what the plans are as you go along. Thanks!

Nancy J said...

Ditto, the star, tall tree, and boxes moved, all looking great.

Lizzie said...

I like where you're going with this.