Monday, December 18, 2023

This and That


I've got the bindings for the three quilts all made.

I've got the hanging sleeve for the Not Paper Pieced Quilt all ready.

I've got the backing for the Scribble Scrabble quilt ready. It's maps because M travels a lot for his work.

My son, DIL and DGD are together taking Tae Kwan Do. They have all just graduated to their Purple Belts. (Yes, my son has a Fourth Black in Kenpo Karate and Mr Park and his staff knew instantly that he had some prior training, but I think the three of them taking classes as a family is a terrific thing.)

And I am kinda sorta planning a new Holiday wall hanging. Obviously it won't be ready for THIS Christmas, but I am having fun with it.

HOLY MOLY! Christmas is next week.


Poppy Q said...

I love the bindings. Your sons family are the cutest!

Linda Swanekamp said...

The quilts look amazing. Great bindings. I like a sport that looks like comfy pjs. Congrats to them for doing well and being together.

Quiltdivajulie said...

I agree - I think the family taking Tae Kwan Do classes together is awesome. Scribble Scrabble is going to be a grand quilt for M and your bindings always look so good.