Sunday, December 24, 2023

Merry Christmas


Merry Christmas! I have been working on the binding of the Not Paper Pieced quilt.

While I've been adding the binding, I've been watching Christmas movies. Since I don't want to get distracted, I've had a few on that I've seen before. Rather comforting!

I'll tell you a secret - as I age I am having a harder time actually SEEING what I am doing, so I am more or less blind stitching by feel. 

Have a very Merry Christmas!


Wendy said...

Merry Christmas!!
I need a lot more light for binding myself these days!

Poppy Q said...

Merry Christmas Lynne. Hope youvare having a relaxing

Linda Swanekamp said...

Well, I had cataract and glaucoma surgery last Spring. I had an excellent doctor- I had checked out many. This doctor put lenses in that let me keep and improve my close vision. I don't mind wearing glasses for distance. Other doctors said it could not be done. I would go and have a few consults with eye doctors and see what is causing the vision issue and what could be done. Some people use those CraftOptics glasses.

Chookyblue...... said...

goodluck with the binding.........Im catching up on a lot of posts at present and you ahve been busy.........

earthmotherwithin said...

Sounds like a lovely way to spend your time. I now accept that I will need to bind my quilts by machine rather than by hand. It is not the way I like it but it is not so bad.