Thursday, December 14, 2023


I don't know how long ago I put the letters together for this smallish flimsy. It is made of leftovers and duds and other stuff I had hanging around. I finally squared it up, and added a border around the whole thing to keep the edges straight. I use it to bring to my letters classes to show two things - one, that dud letters are simply letters that don't fit where you want them to go; they are not necessarily BAD letters.

And two, I flip this over to show how the back of my quilts look. (I forgot to take a photo of it before I put it on the design wall, so the back of Not Paper Pieced will have to do for now...)

Which is to say, neat and tidy. No scraggly threads on the back of MY quilts. No ragged seams. Everything lies FLAT. Everything is neatly pressed. Free piecing or Improvisational piecing, Quilting Without a Net, or No Patterns, just sew one thing to another... whatever you want to call it, my craftsmanship is very good.

So "Don't be chicken; have no fear; just make super amazing quilts" yeah, that's a good motto for me.

Or anybody, really.

PS Happy Birthday Mary!


1 comment:

Raewyn said...

I love it - very cool!