Friday, December 15, 2023

Binding Decisions

 Choosing the binding fabric for the Not Paper Pieced quilt was easy. And the PRIZM quilt will have a white binding, but choosing a binding for the Greensleeves quilt was a bit trickier

At first I thought a soft green would do it, but this is just a little bit too laid-back for my taste. I tried a couple of other soft greens and they were equally bland and unexciting.

Then I remembered how with the Jealousy quilt, I added a binding that had some color in it and I liked that. So I pulled these three fabrics. Two of them are in the quilt (the one on top isn't),

Here's the one on the bottom.  Hmm.

Next I tried the one on the top of the three above. It was ok, but a tad too pale.

I like this, It holds it's own, but it very much depends what part of the fabric you get to see.

This is the fabric I will use. Obviously you won't see this much of it, but I think it will be interesting all around the quilt.

DING! That's done!


Michele in Harrisburg said...

Good choice. I think the bit of blue adds a nice zing. And if the camera on your phone is like mine, greens are the hardest colors to capture accurately. I'd love to see this one in person! Happy sewing.

Linda Swanekamp said...

Great choice for that quilt. Sometimes you have pull a lot of fabric to find the one that works. It is always worth it.