Sunday, November 5, 2023

His Quilt


The Black Abacus quilt is all finished. Here it is reclining on a park bench.

And here it is in its new home with its very proud owner.

Here is why you should use color catchers when you wash a quilt. Even though every piece of fabric I buy gets run through the washer (on warm water) and then the dryer before it ever gets into the studio, fabrics still shed excess dye. I washed the Black Abacus quilt twice! The color catchers from the first washing are on the left. The color catchers from the second are on the right. I actually washed the quilt a third time, and the color catchers from that one came out a medium gray. I could probably have washed the quilt two or three more times, but enough was enough. M is very happy with his quilt and had waited a long time for it.

I made the binding for the Stairway to Heaven quilt, and will sew that on next.


Quiltdivajulie said...

M looks so very proud of his new quilt! And I'm excited to see Stairway to Heaven moving forward.

Linda Swanekamp said...

I always love quilt pictures, but when they are on the bed, with the owner, it doesn't get any better for me.