Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Making Lemonade

 There's a saying that goes, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."

I am getting fabrics together for the backing of the pink and white zebra quilt. I figured I'd use what was in my stash, but I knew I'd use all the leftover pink triangles somehow. So I stated to lay them out, and I got an idea. Or rather I remembered one.

Instead of arranging the extra blocks as I usually do, emphasizing the contrast between the triangular blocks, here I arranged adjacent blocks so the darks in each "connected," creating rhombus shapes instead of triangles. I figured once I got to the center, I'd change direction.

I needed more, so I designed a second row, a mirror image (more or less) of the top row. I used only the leftover pieces, but I did cut a couple of triangles from the leftover 8-strip sets from the original quilt.

So this is the result. It's about 36" x 72", and I'm pretty happy with it. I'll add the fabric you can see in the top photo to either side of this, and then fill in the top and bottom and then that will be ready for quilting.

Still needs a name, and yes, I know this could indeed be the "front" of a quilt.


Ruth said...

That "Backing" is SO COOL!!! Just SO SO COOL!!!!

Sue said...

I love the back as well as the front. I sure enjoy seeing what your artistic mind comes up with. It’s good to have you back and sharing with us. Thank you.

Cherie Moore said...

At first I thought reflection but then refraction, “change in direction of propagation of any wave as a result of its traveling at different speeds at different points along the wave front”, seemed an appropriate name. Change in direction……..

Quiltdivajulie said...

I like the fact that both sides of the quilt represent different aspects of you as a quilt maker. One that plots and plans and the other that plays with shapes in order to use up perfectly good strata. Even though it 'could' be a top, I quite like it combined with the twisting pink ribbons.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

OK, it is a pretty back, but the practical part of me says I would have trouble quilting it when seams happen to stack together on both front and back and possibly bend or break a needle trying to get through the thickness. All said both the front and back are very pretty and in one of the best colors of all.

Shepherdess55 said...

There's a saying that goes, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."

Maybe Pink Lemonade for the name?