Wednesday, February 15, 2023

The Extended Family

While family members often resemble each other, sometimes they don't so I decided to play with that idea.

These "kid birds" all have swirly wings and could be cousins.

The "big" bird here could be a grandmother to all the birds in the picture above. Being a short woman, I am well aware that kids are often taller, so this kid (on the right) is a tall kid, certainly taller than the grandma on the left.

Here's another pair of birds that, while related, aren't carbon copies of each other. We all know a family like that, where there's one kid who just doesn't look much like either parent.

Here are all the birds up on the design wall. And just because they are like this on the design wall, it doesn't mean I can really sew them up this way. I will make more birds because it's better to have a lot to play with. 

And I have to decide what to do with the flamingos. I either need to make some kid-sized flamingoes or get rid of them altogether.

Adding the little birds with all the "adult" birds has given me a context for them. All these birds with their parent or grands.. they are in a park or playground. Parents will be talking to other parents or adults. Some kids will be near their parents. and some will be off playing. 

I need to make more birds. But not too many. I think I'm getting close.

If you want to make bird, you can bet my tutorial here, at my Etsy shop.


Juliana said...

As you invent the stories for the birds, I'm enjoying your process even more. I love thinking of grandmother birds with adult children birds and grandchildren birds.

Quiltdivajulie said...

The more the merrier! Bye Bye flamingos - will be fun to see where you land.

Mari said...

So will you call the quilt "family reunion?" :) Very fun birds, as always!

Linda Swanekamp said...

Who knew there could be so many different pink birds?

Elle said...

I love it! love love love it!