Monday, February 7, 2022

Project Hail Mary

 On Friday I had sent pictures of my progress on the Defying Gravity quilt to my sister.

"Did you read The Martian?" she wrote back?


 "Then you have to read Project Hail Mary." She told me a little about it. "You have to read it. I finished and I have don't have anybody to talk about it with."

So she sent me the link and I ordered an ebook copy and started reading.

That's why I haven't made any progress on the quilt.

It's all my sister's fault.


loulee said...

Looks interesting.
Sisters can be blamed for so many things.

Mari said...

I have read this book several times now and I envy you having someone to talk about it with. Enjoy!

Elle said...

OMG this book is AMAZING! Enjoy :-) My family bookclub read it in December.

Annmarie said...

One of my favorites too. Looks like I should go read "The Martian" next!"

Quiltdivajulie said...

Loved the Martian. DH and younger son have listened to the audio book of Hail Mary and they loved it. Maybe I need to order the e-book for myself.

Ruth said...

My husband read The Martian about 5 times. At Least. He watched the movie about 9 times. I don't think he's ever done that with any other book or movie. So I told him about Project: Hail Mary. He asked me about the plot, and I said one astronaut has to save the earth. I told him you blamed your sister.