Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Millie Has Gone to the Rainbow Bridge


After a talk with the vet on Monday I knew it was time. I made an appointment and the vet came to my home to assist Millie to the Rainbow Bridge. She went calmly, and peacefully, in my arms.

If you are thinking that you haven't seen any pictures of me holding Millie, you are right. This is literally the second time I have ever held her. I held her the first day I got her, and the last day I had her. In between we have had over fifteen years of love and magic. She has literally changed my life.

If you are reading this, it is because of Millie. She is the Cat of a Lifetime, and I will miss her very much.

I'm going to take a few days off to decompress. Thanks in advance for your understanding.


Megan said...

Lots of love.

Sydney, Australia

Poppy Q said...

Lynne - Miss Millie you will always be rembered by us. Rest in love sweet girl.

Julie and poppyq

deebriese said...

To loose a friend is nearer easy. I am sorry for you loss

suzanne, dutchess county NY said...

So very sorry. Beautiful cat and friend

Mary said...

So very sad for you right now.

Sherrill said...

I, too, had a 'cat of a lifetime'..he went through lots of difficult times with me. Thinking of you at this time.

JustGail said...

I'm so sorry about Millie.

Just Ducky said...

So sorry to read this Lynne, I knew it was likely coming, but still is hard. Sending love and comforting purrs.

Lizzie said...

Even when you knew this is imminent, it comes as a surprise. I'm glad your vet came to your house. I feel that you wanted to send Millie on yourself. I have done, and will do again, the same. I hope Millie has found your Dad and that you find comfort in their being together. We will never forget them. Hugs.

Pat said...

The time we have with them is never long enough. I'm sorry for your loss.

Julie S said...

I’m so sorry for your loss, Lynne!

Hootie said...

Sending you love.

Sumac said...

So sad for your loss.

vickiroma said...

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about Millie. She was magnificent, and a furry one I will not soon forget. Love and magic says it all...what a beautiful relationship you both had! xox

Rosie said...

So sad for your loss. Our pets bring such joy to our lives and it sounds like you took wonderful care of Millie.

Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

So sorry for your loss. Kitties hold a special place in our hearts.

Quiltnhen said...

So very sorry. I understand all too well how devastating that is.

Deb E said...

I'm so sorry about your loss! Our fur babies don't live anywhere near as long as we would like them to, but I've taken comfort in knowing I'll be with them someday when I helps!

Elle said...

I'm so sorry you've lost your companion of 15years. I'm glad you got this last photo with Millie. Hugs to you.

Nancy J said...

At home, held in your arms, with love, Darling Millie, so loved, Lynne, we share with you in love and loss,XXXX

Ruth said...

Oh, Millie looks so peaceful and calm, cuddled there in your arms. Such a beautiful cat. Take care.

Thumper said...


Linda M said...

I’m so sorry for your loss! Sending hugs from Connecticut! 🤗🤗

Mari said...

I'm so sorry, Lynne. It's hard to lose a friend. Take care.

Pamela said...

Thinking of you, sending big hugs your way

Nancy McFarland said...

I know how you are feeling. My thought and prayers are with you. And you will see your beloved Millie again. God Bless you.

MissPat said...

Hugs to you and peace for Millie.

Ioleen said...

So sorry for your loss. Hugs

Susan said...

So sorry Lynne

Shepherdess55 said...

Millie was such a treasure. Now your memories of her will be your treasures. You're in my thoughts and prayers.

jackiet said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. I remember when I helped my cat find the Rainbow Bridge. We're lucky to have great memories.

Cindy said...

I know your heart is broken right now. I cry with you. I had to let my Buffy go last summer (16yrs) and I still miss her every day. She was my bestie.
Sending big fat hugs to you today!

sandi s said...

I am so sorry! It is never easy to lose one of our sweet babies. Hugs,

Lesley Gilbert said...

Sending ((hugs)) from across the pond <3

loulee said...

(((Hugs))) RIP Millie

O'Quilts said...

Nooooo, I hate this. I have come to love Millie too! When it is time,it is time..We cannot fix it. But know you and Millie are surrounded by love xoox

Marianne said...

Your Millie looks a lot like a cat I used to have. I understand the hole in your heart and wish you all the best during this very sad time.

KittyAnn said...

Ah...such a wonderful photo! Such a love between you and Millie. A pet's love is unlike any other, so complete. Blessings being sent for you and Millie. Hugs from NC from another cat Mom.

Juliana said...

So sorry about your loss. I understand when you write that Millie was the cat of a lifetime and that she changed your life. I am so grateful for my own cat companions. It is awful when it is time to let one of our beloved pets go and to help them cross the Rainbow Bridge.

Janet said...

I’m so sorry you are going through this difficult season of life. Love to you! I hope you can keep great memories of your dad and Millie at the forefront. Hugs.

Ckypta said...

One of the hardest things to do. I am so sorry, and am sending comfort and many hugs,you will be in my thoughts. MILLIE was a beautiful girl. From a cat mama.

KathyW 0304 said...

I'm sorry for the loss of your kitty. You gave her a wonderful life and the gift of a peaceful goodbye. RIP sweet Millie.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Love and hugs...this has to be devastating.

Mickey's Musings said...

Hugs Lynne.
It is hard to say goodbye to a friend you have cared for, for such a long time. Thanks for sharing her with us on your Millie blog.
Love and Hugs,

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh Lynnw I am devastated for you. I am so very sorry. Millie was amazing.

Susan said...

So sorry that your precious Millie has crossed the rainbow bridge. Our pup, almost 15 years old, crossed the rainbow bridge in January. There are just no words for such a loss. Thinking of you.

Frog Quilter said...

So sorry for your loss and I know it is a big one. Cherish her memories as I’m sure she is doing the same. Big hugs!

Buffy said...

What life transforming gifts you and your darling Millie were to each other, Lynne. Thank you for sharing her with us. My heart aches for you as you grieve the loss of your Dad and now Millie. Sending warm hugs as you cherish their gifts of love and so many treasured memories.

Carol said...

So very sorry Lynne. Fly high Millie.

BKCrowe said...

I'm so very sorry about Millie. I know how important she was in your life because I've been following her story for very nearly her entire life. I'm not a commenter, not sure why that is. But I remember finding a story about Millie's near-death experience and subsequent surgery, and then found your blog about your life together. That introduced me to the world of cat bloggers -- which I loved. Later I got interested in your quilt blog, which opened me to a beautiful, creative world. I'd only known of traditional Amish-type quilts before. I can't sew a stitch but I loved reading about your process and use of color. Millie and your quilts opened new worlds to me and I'm grateful. Just wanted you to know your impact as you grieve for Millie.

Tina said...

I am so sorry. I know you are heartbroken. These little four legged creatures wrap themselves around our hearts and make our days, weeks, months, and years so much brighter. I know you will miss her terribly. I am so glad that she allowed you to hold her one last time.

Nancy said...

This is one of the hardest days. I am so glad you got to hold her at the last. Peace and love.

Dee W said...

We all send our love and hugs.

Peggy said...

My deepest sympathy, loosening your best friend that has offered so much love and comfort is so difficult, you are in my prayers and I will miss Millie too🙏

Connie W. said...

My heart goes out to you in your grief. Our pets are our family, and so we grieve deeply. It was a great kindness to have the vet come to your home. Take care of yourself. You are in my prayers.
Connie W.

LynneP said...

So very sorry!!!

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

The moment you know is one of the hardest of your life. I had this moment yet again about 2 months ago and I am still grieving the loss of my beloved Bosco. I'm sorry you lost your pretty kitty and great friend.
xx, Carol

QuiltGranma said...

Much love to you during this difficult transition to being Millie-less. Our pets fill our hearts with such joy. Remember the good times.

sewyouquilt2 said...

Hugs in this difficult millie until you meet again

Valerie said...

So very sorry for your loss. It just hurts. Take care.